Friday, September 9, 2011

Double Chocolate and Chip Ice Cream

Bahan :
  • 130 gram gula palem
  • 4 butir kuning telur
  • 300 gram susu segar
  • 200 gram krim segar
  • 20 gram cokelat bubuk
  • 75 gram cokelat blok, iris kasar
  • 10 gram pasta es krim cokelat (esen cokelat)
  • 100 gram cokelat chip
Cara membuat :
  1. Kocok gula palem dan kuning telur dengan balloon wisk hinga mengental, lalu sisihkan.
  2. Panaskan susu bersama krim segar di atas api sedang. Sementara itu larutkan cokelat bubuk dengan susu, lalu masukkan ke dalam susu yang sedang dimasak. Masukkan juga potongan cokelat blok, aduk hingga larut. Masak terus hingga hampir mendidih (kurang lebih 80 derajat Celcius). Angkat.
  3. Tuangkan susu cokelat yang sudah dimasak ke dalam adonan telur sambil terus diaduk.
  4. Masak kembali adonan dengan cara ditim sambil terus diaduk dengan spatula kayu hingga adonan mengental (menempel tipis di spatula kayu). Namum jangan dimasak terlalu lama agar telur tidak menggumpal. Angkat dan biarkan dingin.
  5. Setelah dingin, masukkan pasta es krim cokelat dan aduk hingga rata.
  6. Masukkan ke dalam kulkas selama minimum 4 jam atau sampai adonan cukup dingin.
  7. Keluarkan adonan dari kulkas, tuangkan ke dalam mesin es krim. Proses hingga mengental dan putaran terlihat berat.
  8. Tuangkan ke dalam wadah bersih, taburi dengan cokelat chip. Masukkan ke dalam freezer hingga mengeras dan siap dihidangkan.

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Pancakes with Honey & Yoghurt Recipe ( Resep Pancake )

Welcome back again to seleranusantara , now selera nusantara is being global web that serve many recipes from all around the world , not only from asia. Today we'll share one of best food from Western Country , named Pancake with honey and yoghurt recipe or resep Pancake . Just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, and happy cooking friends and the result should be wonderful.

Pancakes with Honey & Yoghurt Recipe ( Resep Pancake )

Ingredients :

-2 eggs
-200mls milk
-2 teaspoons liquid floral honey
-1 teaspoon olive oil
-100g plain flour
-pinch of salt
-extra olive oil for cooking
-1 cup creamy natural yoghurt
-4 tablespoons honey

How to Cook :

Put the eggs, milk, honey, olive oil, flour and salt in the food processor. Run the motor for about 30 seconds until the ingredients are well mixed. Allow this mixture to stand for half an hour.To cook the pancakes, heat a frying pan with a teaspoon of oil. (I keep a special crepe pan for this, which is never washed but just wiped out after use it has developed a fabulous surface over the years so the crepes never stick.) Pour a generous tablespoon of the batter into the pan, swirl it round so it spreads well and cook over a medium heat until the first side is golden. Turn over carefully and cook on the second side. Stack the crepes as they cook so they stay moist. Makes 10-12. Serve with yoghurt and a drizzle of honey.

Bacon Wrapped Hamburgers



  • 1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
  • 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon ketchup
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 6 slices bacon
  • 6 hamburger buns, split


  1. Preheat a grill for high heat.
  2. In a large bowl, mix together the Cheddar cheese, Parmesan cheese, onion, egg, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. Crumble in the ground beef, and mix together by hand. Form into 6 patties, and wrap a slice of bacon around each one. Secure bacon with toothpicks.
  3. Place patties on the grill, and cook for 5 minutes per side, or until well done. Remove toothpicks before serving on hamburger buns.