Sunday, August 21, 2011


Untuk lebih kurang 1000 gr

  • 500 gr gula pasir
  • 200 cc air
  • 150 gr tepung beras
  • 300 gr tepung ketan
  • 15 lembar daun jeruk purut
  • 2 butir kelapa setengah tua, parut memanjang, sangrai
Cara membuat:
  1. Masak gula dengan air sampai gula larut, saring, sisihkan.
  2. Campur tepung beras, tepung ketan, dan daun jeruk purut. Sangrai sampai warna tepung kecokelatan dan daun jeruk purut kering. Angkat dan ayak.
  3. Campurkan campuran tepung yang sudah diayak dengan kelapa sangrai, aduk rata. Tuangi air gula sambil diuleni sampai rata.
  4. Bentuk adonan sesuai selera sambil dipadatkan. Kemudian jemur hingga kering.
Makes approximately 1000 gr
  • 500 gr granulated sugar
  • 200 cc water
  • 150 gr rice flour
  • 300 gr glutinous rice flour
  • 15 lime leaves
  • 2 half-aged coconuts, grated lengthwise, dry fried
  1. Dissolve the sugar in water, drain and set aside.
  2. Mix rice flour, glutinous rice flour and lime leaves. Dru fry until the flour mix becomes brownish and the lime leaves become dry. Discard leaves, sift.
  3. Mix the sifted flour mix with the dry fried coconut. Stir well. Add sugar water while kneading until all the ingredients are well blended.
  4. Press the dought to make it solid, then shapes as you like. Dry in the sun.

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